Monday, June 09, 2008

Singing off...for now

Hey gang. As you've noticed, my blogging updates have been rather lacking as of late. I was hoping to post something every day or at the least every other day but I'm struggling to even post once or twice a week.

Excuses abound: life, work, dog, you name it. Suffice it to say, I've just got a lot going on right now that I need to try and figure out and focus my efforts on, over posting to this silly blog for the enjoyment of myself and a handful of people.

So, until I can get everything straightened out and get back to the person that started blogging here religiously a few months ago, I'll be off the grid, as they say...

Take it easy and I'll catch up with you later on down the line...


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm a New Soul

Well, being a tech geek, it's only fitting that when I get my newest piece of bleeding edge technology I present it in the best way possible: a proper un-boxing. See, whenever the big tech blogs like Edgadget or Boy Genius Report get a new piece of equipment they meticulously open the box and show you the new toy in all it's glory.

So, here's my very first un-boxing of my new Macbook Air! Oh and as for the title of this post, if you've spent any amount of time in front of a TV over the past 6 months you'll know what I'm referring to...

Nice box!

Nice box, propped up on nice foam corner protectors!

Designed by Apple in California

Extreme close-up!

A place for everything and everything in its place...

Wow, that's subtle... I love it :)

Newest addition to the new Apple stable

Overall, I must say that Apple's stuff is expensive but you can tell that they cut no corners with anything, packaging included. The box was nicer than any consumer electronics product I've ever bought, maybe ANYTHING I've ever bought. The way everything was fit perfectly in it's respective bin and obviously hand packaged let you know this was no slouch product you bought.

The MBA is rock solid and stupid-lightweight; pretty unbelievable if you've never picked one up. The power adaptor, cords, manuals, DVD's and such probably weigh as much as the MBA itself, no kidding.

I'll post up my own little review of the MBA at a later date but I just wanted to post up my first geeky unboxing. For now it's on to task #1: getting it to play nicely with the Windows-based network (or maybe it's the other way around!) I have setup in the house so I can install software from the Dell's DVD drive.


YouTube Tuesday: Fast Car

I've not posted a YouTube Tuesday in a while, so here ya go.

This is a segment from one of my current favorite TV shows Top Gear. It's a British show broadcast here in the states on BBC America. I'm a big car guy; a really European car guy. I also love comedy and great chemistry between the hosts and Top Gear gets an A+ in every category. If you get BBC America, this is a must see show, even if you're not a big car nut like me.

In this segment, one of the hosts is attempting to take the World's fastest production car (the Bugatti Veyron) to it's top speed of 253mph. Yeah; that's fast...faster than an F1 car. It's no surprise he gets to 253mph and along the way some of the facts revealed about the car and the speed it is traveling are insane. 1 football field a second, burning through an entire tank of gas in 12 minutes...that sort of useless knowledge.

It's a bit long at 7 minutes plus, but worth every second.